Jeeyar Integrated Vedic Academy (JIVA) Gosalas have indigenous varieties of cows. GoSeva (Cow protection service) Go:sa:la (cowshed) was started during Jeeyar Sathabdi celebrations in May 2009 and has now been regularized. There are more than 500 Cows, all from the pure native varieties. Donations towards protecting our cows is as follows.
Go:da:nam : $1500
Go:grassam one day to all Cows: $1350
Go:grassam to feed a cow per 1 year: $1080
Maintenance of the donated Cow and calf for one year: $751
Green grass to feed one cow for 6 months: $540
Gosala maintenance for one day: $150
Adopt a cow: per month $90
Go:pu:ja : $51
Adopt a calf per month : $45
Gograsam for day: $3